Ann Sheppard
That sensation — hand on my head —
lightly touching,
words I could hear,
but not understand —
Maybe now,
when I visit His new abode,
my ear will have learnt
in these thirty-one years
the cadence,
and the meaning,
the call He made,
so gentle,
but always remembered.
Say what it is,
what it was.
Your heart will be tethered
entirely to His,
your eye turned only toward Him,
your feet will only want
to walk the ways
He has trod before you.

Imelda Maguire
Bio: Irish poet Imelda Maguire lives in Donegal, the far north-west corner of the country. Her poetry has been published widely in journals and anthologies in Ireland. She has read at Poetry Ireland’s Introductions series, and at various literary festivals and events throughout the country. A retired counsellor, she facilitates creative and personal development activities with individuals and groups. Her first collection, Shout If You Want Me To Sing, was published in 2004 by Summer Palace Press. Her second collection, Serendipity, was published in 2015 by Revival Press.